Angels of Hope, Inc., was created in July 2005 to serve as beacons of hope for those suffering from the emotional or physical absence of a child.
Memorial Park
A group of individuals, some suffering the loss of a child and some touched by the loss of others, began working on Angel of Hope’s first project:
to construct an Angel of Hope Memorial Park in the Village of Coal City. After obtaining approval from the Village of Coal City, the group began working towards raising the funds necessary to complete the park. Due to the dedication of its volunteers and the outpouring of support from the community and local businesses, the funds were raised in just a few short months.
On December 6, 2005, Angels of Hope, Inc., hosted its first Candlelight Vigil at Campbell Memorial Park,
the future site of the angel memorial, knowing that the first project of the organization was going to be a reality in the coming year. Despite the bitterly cold night, the remembrance ceremony was attended by nearly 200 people. The following year, on October 7, 2006, a dedication ceremony was held for the completed park. On this beautiful fall Saturday, Lisa Johnson, a representative from The Christmas Box House International, traveled from Utah to attend the event, at which time she recognized the angel as the 66th angel memorial to be placed in the United States .
To see if there is an angel statue in your area, please visit www.richardpaulevans.com
Creating Miracles Program
In 2007, Angels of Hope began its second project, The Creating Miracles Grant, with the goal to close the financial gap standing between married couples and the fertility assistance required to achieve the dream of conceiving a child.

Everlasting Footprints Grant
On January 1, 2007, Angels of Hope also launched its third project, The Everlasting Footprints Grant, which provides headstone and burial cost assistance to financially needy area families who suffer the death of a child from stillborn to the age of three.

Sawyer’s Heart Project
Sawyer’s Heart Project provides immediate support and comfort to bereaved parents who have experienced a pregnancy loss, stillbirth or the loss of an infant through the distribution of hospital memory boxes.

Increase Awareness
Angels of Hope, Inc, also wishes to increase awareness of the grieving process as it relates to the loss of a child and the loss of fertility, with the hope of offering positive support during times of need. We hope that those who need us will find us and that we are able to provide some form of assistance.